This morning, as I was parking my bike at the Exhibition Centre, I noticed the bike next to me, also a BMW tourer. It's an older model and looks a bit aged. A sign that it has seen quite a bit of the road; like it was supposed to. It also has that mature look and appears to be very "experienced". Interestingly, it has a very nice pannier sticker (like bumper sticker; to you car drivers) that says, ==>
I guess that is a sign for me, huh? Yup, I'm gonna keep that dream alive...
The other day someone said to me; why did I name my blog "To the Red Centre and back". What happens after I have been to the Red Centre and back? Well, I guess, I'll just start another blog then. Maybe it will be named, "Tour de Australia", or "Over the top" (you know the advert?), or even "Crating and shipping my bike back to KL...", hehe... But anyway, the name is a symbol of the dream. And the dream lives on...
Thanks for the words of encouragement from friends. Yes, to answer someone's question; I do not really expect to write for others to read. It's a self-satisfying (in Malay, "Syok Sendiri") thing to begin with but I realized that it is much more satisfying to write for others. More like talking - anything beats talking to yourself!
Anyway, I did show the blog to my teenage daughter. It took her less than 30 seconds to browse thru it. Then she went back to the Manga videos on You Tube and listening to her IPod. I guess, I really have to cater for my audience, huh?
Shah, go practice your guitar! Got to go sleep early tonite. Tomorrow's my first day back to office after what seems to be a looooonnggggg time....
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